In this tutorial, you will learn how to export consistent sets of rows from relational databases into topologically sorted SQL-DML, i.e. a sequence of INSERT-statements ordered in a way that no foreign-key contraint will be violated during execution.


Exporting all the data related to the employee named 'Scott' into a SQL-script.

Step 1. Setup the database

See "Preparation" or use the demo data model "Demo Scott (7 Tables)"

Step 2. Export employee Scott (unrestricted)

Now lets try to export the employee named Scott. To do that we need an extraction-model.
Select EMPLOYEE as table to extract from and type T.NAME='SCOTT' into the Where-field:

This extraction model describes a set of entities containing (the) employee(s) named 'SCOTT', entities associated with these employees, entities associated with these entities and so forth.

Export this set (Export Data-Button or Tools->Export Data). Jailer first asks for a file name for the new extraction model. Call it scott.csv. After that the Data Export dialog appears:

Type scott.sql into the first field. This defines the name of the export file to be generated.
Click on Export Data. The Progress Panel shows:

Jailer has generated a file scott.sql containing Insert-statements for Scott, for his boss, for the president and for scott's department, salary-grade and project participations.

But why are there also statements for all other employees?

Click on "EMPLOYEE" in the "Rows per Table" overview. This displays all process steps leading to additional employee records.

As you can see, all employees assigned to the same department as SCOTT are exported. Likewise all employees who belong to the same salary-grade.

Step 3. Export employee Scott (restricted)

Exporting an employee requires to export his boss and department too. Otherwise the set of exported entities would not be consistent (due to the dependencies based on foreign key constraints). No constraint prevents us from excluding the salary-grade and the bonus from export, but we don't do that becauses the resulting set would be incomplete.

On the other hand, we don't want to export all subordinates of an employee, or all employees who works in the same department as Scott.

To exclude subordinates, department-members and 'same salary-grade'-employees, we must restrict some associations.

A restriction is an extension of the associations join-condition (in SQL-syntax) for one direction of an association. disabled (or false) stands for an unsatisfiable condition.

Define restrictions:

  • from EMPLOYEE to EMPLOYEE (inverse-BOSS)

Use Tools->Export Data again. Jailer will now export only the data related with Scott.

-- generated by Jailer at Sat May 03 12:38:33 CEST 2019  from wisser@desktop
-- extraction model:  EMPLOYEE where NAME='SCOTT' (extractionmodel/scott.csv)
-- database URL:      jdbc:db2://localhost/wisser
-- database user:     scott
-- Exported Entities: 13
--     DEPARTMENT                     2
--     EMPLOYEE                       3
--     PROJECT                        2
--     ROLE                           2
--     SALARYGRADE                    2

Insert into SALARYGRADE(GRADE, LOSAL, HISAL) values (4, 2001, 3000), (5, 3001, 9999);
Insert into ROLE(ROLE_ID, DESCRIPTION) values (100, 'Developer'), (102, 'Project manager');
Insert into PROJECT(PROJECTNO, DESCRIPTION, START_DATE, END_DATE) values (1001, 'Development of Novel Magnetic Suspension System', '2006-01-01', '2007-08-13'), (1003, 'Foundation of Quantum Technology', '2007-02-24', '2008-07-31');
Insert into EMPLOYEE(EMPNO, NAME, JOB, BOSS, HIREDATE, SALARY, COMM, DEPTNO) values (7839, 'KING', 'PRESIDENT', null, '1981-11-17', 5000.00, null, 10);
Insert into EMPLOYEE(EMPNO, NAME, JOB, BOSS, HIREDATE, SALARY, COMM, DEPTNO) values (7566, 'JONES', 'MANAGER', 7839, '1981-04-02', 2975.00, null, 20);
Insert into EMPLOYEE(EMPNO, NAME, JOB, BOSS, HIREDATE, SALARY, COMM, DEPTNO) values (7788, 'SCOTT', 'ANALYST', 7566, '1982-12-09', 3000.00, null, 20);
Insert into PROJECT_PARTICIPATION(PROJECTNO, EMPNO, START_DATE, END_DATE, ROLE_ID) values (1003, 7566, '2007-02-24', '2008-07-31', 102);
Insert into PROJECT_PARTICIPATION(PROJECTNO, EMPNO, START_DATE, END_DATE, ROLE_ID) values (1001, 7788, '2006-05-15', '2006-11-01', 100);